Searching for What is a Landing Page in SEO? Shortly, it is the main page where you land after clicking the URL of the website. To learn more about its importance, continue reading.
The term “SEO for websites” is well-known in the world of digital marketing. However, SEO is also an umbrella term, so you need to understand several things clearly. Among these further terms, one is the landing page, and it holds great importance in SEO.
To help you better understand it, we will cover the following areas:
- What is a landing page in SEO?
- How does a landing page play a role in the conversion rate?
- When should you use landing page SEO?
- What are SEO landing page best practices?
What Is A Landing Page In SEO?
In this section, we will define a landing page in SEO. And provide you with a list to ensure your landing pages are optimized for conversions and search engines.
A landing page’s job in SEO is to draw in natural search engine traffic for a particular set of keywords. When people go to the SEO landing page, they will see information that is related to what they searched for. The page may be created as a conversion page or designed to generate a lot of interest before converting via links to the relevant product/service pages on the main website. For example;

The main difference between a landing page and a regular page on your website is that a landing page is made with specific goals in mind, such as getting leads, making sales, or sending people to another page.
Now, let’s talk about the best practices for creating a landing page.
What are SEO Landing Page Best Practices?
By understanding “what is SEO landing page best practices,” you can increase the ranking of your landing pages and improve the chances of your website being visible to your target audience. This will get you more leads, increase the conversion rate, and make you more money.
Let Your Keyword Strategy Guide the Content
The performance of a landing page hinges primarily on its approach to the target keyword.
To effectively cater to search intent, it’s crucial to carefully select long-tail keywords. Instead of writing solely for search engine algorithms, prioritize creating content that resonates with genuine readers while seamlessly integrating the focus keyword.
Remember that keyword stuffing is counterproductive as search engine algorithms can detect it, offering no assistance in climbing the SERPs.
In successful SEO copywriting, the incorporation of secondary keywords is imperative. These secondary keywords serve to provide additional context to the landing page’s subject matter.
Consider utilizing semantic keywords, which are phrases or words that complement your primary focus keyword, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the intended search query without aiming for direct ranking.
This strategic use of semantic keywords enhances both the overall ranking of your page and its alignment with the desired search intent.
To further boost your SEO ranking factor, don’t overlook the significance of internal links.
By strategically placing them within your content, you can effectively distribute link juice throughout your website. Additionally, conducting thorough research to compile a list of keywords with substantial traffic potential can greatly benefit your SEO efforts.
These keywords should revolve around your focus keyword and support your content strategy, ultimately driving more traffic to your landing page.
Put Your Main Keyword in the URL
Landing page URLs play a crucial role in optimizing SEO for landing pages and enhancing the overall user experience.
While your default URL might initially appear as a random combination of numbers and letters, it’s essential to recognize that search engines pay close attention to it, even if most consumers don’t.
To maximize organic traffic and improve the SEO for landing pages, it’s vital to incorporate your primary keyword into the landing page URL.
For example, if your landing page focuses on the topic of “how to expand your email list,” your URL should ideally resemble something like “”
This strategic use of landing page URLs not only aids search engines in understanding the page’s content but also contributes to a more user-friendly experience.
In addition to optimizing landing page URLs, don’t forget to craft an attention-grabbing landing page title that aligns with your primary keyword, further boosting your SEO efforts.
Add Keyword to Image Alt Text
Your image alt text is yet another location where your keywords should be added. When you can not view your image, a brief written description of it is shown instead. Additionally, search engines utilize it to determine more precisely what a page is about.
Most website and landing page builders allow you access to this content so you can update it, similar to how they give you access to your metadata. To access the picture manager, click on an image and then the photo icon. There, you can change the alt text and title of your images.
Avoid Duplicate Content
Regarding landing pages, this is a challenging one. It is possible that you will be tempted to reuse particular materials or headlines from previous landing pages if they have been successful. Sadly, landing page SEO suffers because of this.
Google rewards original, distinctive content. If they find that your material is too similar to another page (including your own), they will likely disqualify you from being ranked for any keywords because they do not want you to steal the work of others.
Your best strategy is to write brand-new material from the start if you intend to use SEO to direct traffic to a landing page.
Optimize Your Content for Featured Snippets
Optimizing your image files with relevant keywords in the image title is crucial. Image alt text, where these keywords should also be included, plays a significant role.
This text serves as a brief description of your image when it cannot be displayed, making it essential for both accessibility and SEO purposes.
Search engines rely on this alt text to gain a clearer understanding of your webpage’s content, ensuring better visibility in search results.
The good news is that most website and landing page builders offer easy access to this important content, much like they provide access to metadata.
To access the image manager, simply click on an image and then select the photo icon. From there, you can conveniently modify both the alt text and image title.
This optimization not only enhances your marketing campaign but also contributes to improved loading speed, benefiting both desktop and mobile users.
Build Backlinks
When it comes to landing pages, it presents quite a challenge. The temptation may arise to recycle specific materials or headlines from previous landing pages, especially if they’ve yielded success. Unfortunately, this approach can prove detrimental to your landing page SEO.
Google places a premium on original, unique content. If they detect significant similarities between your content and another page, even if it’s your own, they are likely to disqualify your page from ranking for relevant keywords. Google discourages the replication of others’ work.
Your most effective strategy involves crafting fresh, original content right from the outset if you plan to leverage SEO in your campaign to drive traffic to a landing page.
This includes incorporating seed keywords with high search volume, integrating compelling visual elements, and producing high-quality content that caters to the needs of potential visitors.
When Should You Use Landing Page SEO?
Even while SEO is an effective means of driving traffic, not every landing page should use it, as SEO is a long-term tactic.
You might not notice any results for six months or even a year, even if you flawlessly optimize your page and adhere to all best practices. You should probably avoid using SEO if your landing page offers a limited-time offer.
However, if you are creating a landing page for an evergreen offer that you intend to market for a very long time, you should unquestionably optimize your landing page for SEO. Why organic search traffic is so valuable is explained here:
It is incredibly cost-effective: Even though you will probably need to put some initial effort and resources into SEO, the cost is still much lower than bought traffic. You will also benefit from a consistent flow of free traffic as your page starts to rank. There is a lot of intent behind search traffic. For instance, if someone looks for “top digital marketing courses,” they are probably just about to decide whether or not to buy that particular product.
If SEO makes sense for your landing page, it is worthwhile to include it in your landing page optimization approach.
We hope it’s a helpful read for you to understand “what is a landing page in SEO properly?” and why it is a crucial part of SEO and can change your traffic game when utilized properly.